Who's involved?
who investigate the reported crime
who provide advice to the police about the possible charge
Victim & Witness Support Agencies
who provide support to victims and witnesses
Victims & Witnesses
who give a statement to the police to explain what has happened
Alleged Offender
who gives their explanation about what has happened in response to the allegations that have been made
Defence Solicitor
who represents and advises the person accused of the crime
Youth Offending Teams
who act as appropriate adult if the person accused is under 18 years old and is not accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Northumbria Youth Offending Teams:
Appropriate Adult or Intermediary (arranged by the police)
who support anyone who is vulnerable or has extra requirements
Interpreter (arranged by the police)
who translate into other languages when English is not spoken
What might happen?
- Caution
- Conditional caution
- Fixed penalty notice and penalty notice for disorder
- Community resolution
- Cannabis / Khat warning
- Held (remanded) in police custody for less than 24 hours (those under 18 might be transferred from police station to a local authority bed)
- Released on police bail which will have conditions attached
- Given instructions to attend court
No Further Action
- This might happen, for example, if there is not enough evidence to take the case forward or if new evidence becomes available